how many night feeds should my child be taking?
I get this question a whole lot! Especially with little ones under 12 months. Parents tell me how often they are feeding their baby overnight and then immediately follow it up with - "is that the right amount?". I've got answers for you!
your baby’s ideal sleep schedule
Trying to figure out your baby’s nap schedule can sometimes feel like you’re back in high school algebra! You’re jotting down sleep times, making sure to catch your baby at the first yawn, and always testing out different awake times to see which one works best. Sound familiar?
When & How To make Nap Transitions
Wondering when it's time to make a nap transition? Have a little one that was previously a wonderful napper now suddenly refusing last nap or having bedtime troubles? This blog will walk you through the average times babies and children make nap transitions, what to look for to know your little one is ready for a transition, and how to make them!
When Will My Baby Start Sleeping Through The nIght?
Every tired parent’s most wondered question: when will my little one start sleeping through the night?! As a sleep consultant, sleeping through the night is whatever your little one is capable of and needs at each age. Which, if you’re reading this, may be very different from how much sleep they’re actually getting.
How to Prevent & Correct Early morning wake-ups
While sleeping in until noon may be a thing of the past once you have kids, that doesn’t mean you have to accept 5:00am as your new wake-up call! If your little one is consistently waking before 6am, here’s three ways to prevent and correct early morning wake-ups!
How to resolve the 4 month sleep regression
Ah, the 4 month sleep regression. Almost every parent’s introduction to sleep training starts here. Why? Because it is the time when their sweet little sleepy newborn seems to “wake up”. Suddenly, you find yourself using any means necessary to put him to sleep every night and every nap. You begin researching the four month sleep regression and how to survive it. Well, if that search led you here, you’re in luck!
The Science behind baby sleep
Learning the science behind your baby’s sleep can help inform why your baby wakes so frequently throughout the night and/or takes short naps. Knowing the in’s and out’s of how and why we sleep helps instruct us on the importance of independent sleep and how to achieve much-needed, development-promoting, consolidated sleep.
Does my baby need white noise to sleep?
In the womb, babies are surrounded by noise as loud as a vacuum cleaner. So you could imagine that a quiet room is not necessarily relaxing. While your newborn seemed to sleep soundly no matter the type of noise (or lack thereof), now his/her calming reflex has faded and we need to find new, healthy sleep associations to get him/her falling asleep and staying asleep easily. White noise is going to be your (and your baby’s) new best friend.